Friday 29 November 2013

New Blog

As I mentioned before, I was going to make a new blog. It is now up and running! If you'd still like to read some mummy blogs, fashion and beauty advice then Click Here to visit my new blog. There's a lot of Christmas ideas and inspirations, check it out!

Love, Daria

Saturday 23 November 2013


This is just a very quick post (unusual, ha ha). I'm basically just letting you know that I am going to move the fashion as well as the mummy blog to a new address. I use a different email now + i would rather have everything in one place. I hope you understand and I will post the address below as soon as i know the link to the new blog.

Kisses & Hugs

Tuesday 19 November 2013

So much to look forward to!

I did it again. Stopped posting for ages! But it's okay, I'm back. Better sooner than later, I suppose.
Does anyone even read this blog? I don't know. It'll be nice to look back at it one day. Same with my twitter, instagram, facebook, etc.. God help me if they ever get deleted. I have a lifetime story of pictures and stories all over the internet. I don't know if that's a good thing to be honest.. Maybe I should get a diary?.. Or maybe not. I'll just write here, whether anyone reads it or not.
Anyway! I'm yapping already, ha ha.

I have a lot of pictures to share with you today! Loads has happened since i last wrote on this and i definitely can't sit and type everything that happened but i will try and cover the last week or so. My life is pretty boring anyway.

This post is called 'so much to look forward to' and i haven't even gotten to that point yet, ha ha. Oh dear!

RIGHT, let's start. Where do I start? Well I got a new laptop for a start, and I love typing on it, so I might be on here a lot more often than you think. If I'm not here then I'm probably on my fashion blog..

So.. I will start with pictures, shall I?

Oooh, yeah, yeah, let's start with this picture (above). Look how tanned we were (my sister, Klaudia and I). I miss summer. It's definitely my favourite time of the year. I spend most of sunny days sunbathing! That's it.. sunbathing, ha ha. 
I don't know what this picture has to do with anything but I just get a really nice warm feeling when I see it. Maybe because it's very summery and sunny? I don't know.. let's move on.

I don't know if you know (you probably don't because I didn't post in here for a while) but I did horse riding for a couple of months. It's a lovely hobby. And I don't know if you can remember my cat, 'Cat', but I actually moved him to the horsey place. He stayed in a big shed with all the horses and a dog named Bradley. He had a lot of space to run around, etc. He loves outdoors. 
Anyways, I actually moved the cat back in a few days ago and he's never been happier! William really missed the cat too! He was devastated when the cat moved out. But he's back now, yay!

The picture above was taken when I got the cat back. He is so cuddly, I'm not even over exaggerating! He's the cutest thing ever. I shout 'come here baby' and you can hear him running down the stairs, right up until he reached me and helps himself to my lap! He also loves getting petted. If you don't pet him, he'll make you, ha ha.

Here's another picture of the cat and some of my crazy family. At the top we have my sister, Klaudia (William's auntie, obviously), the lady below her is Roksana, 'the older' sister of mine (William's auntie, too, of course, ha ha).. Below her we have William stuffing his face with pringles and the cat to the left. I must admit, William has crazy aunties.

Talk of crazy aunties, William's uncle (he has two), the one younger than him (I still find that funny) was celebrating his first birthday on the 8th this month.
We have a tradition for first birthdays in Poland; on a table we lay out notes of money, something church related, a shot glass and scissors. It's just a fun game really. The baby/toddler then gets put in front of the objects and chooses one and that's supposed to tell his future job kind of thing? haha. 
Money obviously means you're going to be rich. 'Something church related' could mean a nun, priest, etc. A shot glass usually means alcoholic! But that's a bit harsh. I like to think of it as barman, barmaid, etc. And the scissors could mean a hairdresser, designer, and so on.
So now that you get the picture, you will understand the next sentence; William's 1 year old uncle picked scissors for his first birthday and that is exactly what William picked too! I've been saying that since William loves dressing up in scarves and my heels that him and Dominic will become fashion designers :)

And here's me snuggling up with Cat like a big kid. He loves sleeping on my bed. It's all he ever does. Sleep, eat, cuddle, sleep, eat, cuddle, sleep, eat... you get the point! 

Told you my life wasn't that interesting. I got a new phone though, the new HTC One so I am now obsessed with taking pictures and I'm obsessed with typing on this laptop, ha ha. 

Above is just one of the things my phone is capable of. It's awesome. Especially that zoe camera thingy, because it's so much easier to catch William pull a face, ha ha.

This is an example of his cute faces. I have a lot more pictures. I might post them actually :-)


Just went on Facebook and oh my gosh I completely forgot about Halloween:

William was wearing Dracula costume (I think?) and even though it started raining he still got a fir bit of sweeties. I don't think he knew what was going on to be quite honest, ha ha.

He was definitely happy with his sweets though, ha ha.

Ooh, yeah, that's his latest face to pull. Does anyone else think he looks like a skeleton?

And there's William in the bath. He absolutely loves bath time. I don't know who end up more soaked at the end of it, me or him, ha ha ha. I just love the faces he pulls. Really does make me smile :-)

That's all the pictures I have for now. I was going to talk about things to look forward to, haha. Well, it's David's (William Uncle) 6th birthday on the 19th December. We'll probably be decorating the house for Christmas before that so that's really exciting too! I'm thinking of getting a white Christmas tree this year, I'm not sure yet. After that, we obviously have Christmas. This is the first time in years that I have been excited for Christmas and I'm only 18! Back in Poland we used to have a table full of everything and the whole family would gather round and have a nice, big Christmas at my great granny's, where I stayed. Since we moved to Scotland I haven't really enjoyed Christmas. But that's another, completely different story :-) 'Christmas Story', haha. Might actually make a post?
Anyway, it's going to be quite exciting as William is big enough to now kind of understand what's going on.
Then in March, Graeme (my partner), Shona (his sister), her partner, William and I will be going to Blackpool for a little holiday. We were meant to go to Haven but they cancelled. Blackpool sounds better anyway. There's the pleasure beach, the aquariums, the was house, big swimming pool with flumes, etc. William will love it there. 
After that, on 22nd March is William's 2nd birthday! Gosh, time flies by..
But.. that's a while ahead yet. This post is probably getting boring, so I'm going to end it here guys! Hope you managed to read at least the first or last sentence, ha ha ha.

Love you all!
Bye, xoxo

Monday 22 July 2013

Daria's Boutique Grand Re-Opening Day! Win 50% OFF your first order. 20% for everyone!

It is the day of the Grand Re-Opening of Daria's Boutique! The store is now OPEN!

You can visit the store at

You can go to our Facebook Page and like our competition page for a chance to win 50% OFF your first order! But don't worry if you don't win, we have 20% OFF for everyone, just use the code WELCOME20.

Here are some of the things you can buy on the website. We also have a range of Shamballa jewellery coming soon and a lot more! Make sure you register on our page or subscribe for all the latest news, offers and promotions!

Sunday 14 July 2013

SUNNY Scotland?

If you live in the UK, you will know that the summer here isn't all that.. hot! There are usually a few days of warmer weather and the rest of the summer it rains. There's one thing though, the rain gets warmer in summer! :)

As you can see from this very sunny picture, it does not look like typical Scotland at all!

My mood is ALWAYS a gazillion times better when it's sunny! It really motivates me to do stuff. So in today's post I'm going to show you how my family and I spent the past few sunny days!

How ironic, the first few pictures I'm about to show you aren't even taken outside in the sun, hahaha.

How cute is William and his daddy playing together? I barely ever get to take a picture of the both of them as daddy is really caemra shy, hehe.

We live in a nice, slightly big flat on the main street but unfortunately we don't have a garden. There is a garden at the back but it's concrete and it's owned by the shop below us. We can obviously still walk on it, etc, but we can't customize anything unless we write to the boss and ask for permission, which i think i'm gonna have to do. And this is the reason why we go to my mummy's house when it's warm. All the kids run around the garden, play on the swings, the addling pool and more!

William went on a rocking horse for the very first time in his life in David's room. David's my little brother and William's uncle, he's 5 years old. If you think that's weird, William actually has an uncle who's YOUNGER than him. My little brother Dominic (you'll be able to see him in the next picture or two), he is 7 months old and he's William's uncle. It'll be so cute when they go to school together!

William loves playing with other kids! In the picture below, he's playing with one of my mum's friend's kids (sounds confusing, haha).

And here's how our kitten spends his summer.. sleeping! He doesn't really :) how loves running about and playing but he's also really cuddly and loves sleeping on everyone's chest or legs.

So, going back to the beginning, William woke up and ate his breakfast(obviously!). For breakfast that day he had toast and jam and peach juice. And he usually gets a fruit or rice pudding as well but i can't remember what he had that day. It was all over his face!

And there's daddy and uncle David. They are so funny together! David calls him 'uncle', even though he's not his uncle :)

William's daddy loves wearing crocs! (i know..). Apart from the picture above, haha.
So, the other day i thought i would put 'baby crocs' on william. They look so much better on kids!
Oh, he had a hat on too. It's so hard to keep that on though. He actually dropped it on the way to my mum's house and i had to walk back to get it. Little monkey!

And this is Dominic, William's uncle i mention earlier. He was absolutely covered in food and juice and he was all sticky. Just wait 'till you see how my mum cleaned him, haha.

Yes! A bucket! Hahahaha. Bucket and warm water. 
I really thought she was joking, but she really wasn't. The funny thing was, Dominic loved it! He was smiling and giggling and splashing away!

SO you probably wonder what i do on sunny days(or not, haha). Well my day would consist of sunbathing and running after kids :) This is how much i have tanned; 
The first picture(left) shows my tan line and the second.. my legs? :)

As fun as the sun is, it makes you exhausted! The heat, running about, laughing and tanning..
Isn't he cute when sleeping? All kids are though :)

If you're like most people you probably don't eat a lot when it's so warm. I have actually been so hungry the past few days, it's unbelievable. I love food though, i would eat anything. I was absolutely stuffing my face but on of my favourite things is fruit, but my favourite of my favourite is melon. I love melon!
And this is what our snacks look like;

So this is what we do on sunny days. This post is probably ginormous! It probably took my a ginormous lot of time to write it too because i kept being distracted but anyway i just had to write it and motivate myself since i missed the sun today :(

I woke up with a headache, the paracetamol wasn't helping, i was really dizzy, my eyes were watering, etc. I still don't feel 100% but i definitely feel better!

This is little poorly me;

Well i hope you enjoyed the post, IF you managed to read it all, haha. If not, you probably looked at the pics. That's what i do :)

Loads of sun rays from me to you,
Love, Daria & the sleepy kitten, trying to get on my laptop<3

Remember to use sunscreen!

Sunday 30 June 2013

I hate starting a new blog post. I never know what the title should be!

I haven't written in absolute ages! So today I'm going to put some pictures up that i have collected over my time off and write a bit. I'm also going to try and edit and upload some videos for you guys!
This blog is going to be my everyday blog from now on and will be everything beauty, fashion and make-up related.
So, let's begin! :)

We really haven't done much at all. We had a week or so of sun so we spent a lot of the time in my mum's garden enjoying the sun rays! Apart from that week or so, you wouldn't even be able to tell it's summer!

We also got a kitten! Thinking it was a female kitten we called it Mercedes. When we took her to the vets to get her flee'd and wormed we got told that 'she, is definitely a boy', haha. So we called him Bentley. He never gets called that though, everybody calls him 'cat', hehe.
I do love his fur though!

And he LOVES cuddling and giving kisses!

I am now gonna take care of the other blog and post more here either later or tomorrow.
Huge hugs from our kitten to your heart!

Sunday 5 May 2013

I haven't posted in about 2-3 days and I have quite a few pictures! Let me just explain myself first. The first night when i didn't post anything, i watched a horror film and i didn't really fancy sitting, typing the blog at night. It was dark. And scary. And i was tired :) 
The next two days after that i was just lazy! 

Anyway, let's get to the pictures and a bit more about what we have done these few days!

This is William answering the phone :) 

And this is how you sit when you're just about to watch cartoons. Nice and comfortable.

William's teething right now, hence all the slevers everywhere! It's almost impossible to keep him clean! He's still amazing even though he's teething. Easiest baby to look after. Ever.

This is what you do when your teeth are growing. Smile through the pain :) 

Okay, how funny is this face though, haha. 

If you're wondering what this picture is. This is David, my 5 year old brother. If you have a little brother you'll know how much they love phones. David LOVES taking pictures and recording everything! Hes gonna be the next YouTube Celebrity! Hahaha.

This is my sister, my partner and myself at a party :)

We took David, William and Dominic to the shows. There was literally hardly anything there. They come twice a year. First come the really boring things and then round about October is when the cool things come. That still didn't stop David from having fun! William was on a little ride with me too. I don't have a picture though as it's on Klaudia's phone. 

Anyway, a few jumps, turns, prizes and candy flosses later we started heading to my mum's house as they were preparing a BBQ, YUM! We got there and the fire was taking forever to light! David wanted to go to the park so we took him, William and Dominic!

This is Dominic on a swing for the first time! :) How happy does he look?! He was giggling away as i was pushing him. He's only about 6 months. He absolutely loved the swing though.

Ahh, the cutie :) There was midges everywhere! 
It started getting cold so we started heading back to my mum's. The park's only 2 mins away. About 10-15 minutes with two prams and a 5 year old, ha ha ha. 

We got back and had some YUMMY BBQ chicken, sausages, bacon, etc. Oh, it was yummy :)
We took some leftovers home and i am just about to publish this and then eat some chicken!

That's all we have done  the past 2-3 days. 

Have a nice Sunday!
Love, Daria <3